SnailMilk meaning and definition

SnailMilk meaning

A rare, fine milk squeezed from exotic snails. Once drank, can increase life expectancy by 5 years.

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snail nail meaning

where u take part in placing a live snail into a womans vagina. if it get caught then you cum in her and lube it up

Snail Neglect meaning

Snail slime has become increasingly popular as a treatment for wrinkles. It is believed that the slime possesses anti-wrinkle properties though whether this is true is sorely debated. Day in day out, snails that would go about minding their own business, terrorising lettuces and meaning no harm to us, are abused and neglected for their slime. This sort of treatment must stop. If you are against snail abuse and neglection text SNAIL to 07842 (texts cost £2) or donate £30 today to bring snail abusers to justice. We have rights so do they. Eventually, we should get around to stopping the French eating them, stopping kids throwing them at walls for pleasure, but for now we feel this is the ultimate issue. Snail slime is not needed when we can all age gracefully.Thank you.

snail net meaning

The nylon lining inside a cheap bathing suit which holds soggy testicles, a shriveled snail dick, and a pound of sand, that no grown man should be wearing to the beach.

Snail nigger meaning

A person of French nationality.

snail nut meaning

An incredibly slow cummer.

Snailocaust meaning

Putting a large amount of snail bait, glass powder or snail chemicals on your lawn/garden resulting in a large amount of snail deaths.

Snail Pace meaning

When someone/ something goes increadibly slow, like a snail or slug.

snailpaper meaning

(n.) - the print edition of the daily newspaper which arrives in the morning on your doorstep with news that is already old and stale by at least 12 hours

snail party meaning

It's that thing where you cover yourself in Vasaline and crawl on the floor until someone comes in with the salt

snail penis meaning

Making a snail with your penis and balls by wrapping your penis around and under your balls making the shell and the penis head stick out looking like the head.