T2I meaning and definition

T2I meaning

Shorthand for Text-to-Image, a Firefox add-on with allows for the viewing of pictures through their URL, without having to actually follow the link.

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T2k meaning

A Soldier of Fortune 2 Gaming Clan, the pwns every other clan in existance.

T2LL meaning

Texting or internet shorthand for "text to land line", as in, a text message sent to a home phone.

t2m meaning

T = talk 2 = too M = my S = self T2ms when you dont want to say something out loud. When chating or texting. But you want it to be heard by the other person. If they respond to your little t2ms blurb act as if they are crazy , and you dont know what the hell they are talking about.

T2MD meaning

Acronym: Text To Me Dirty

T2P meaning

"Time to Penis." However long it takes someone to create genitalia out of a content creation tool. Usually measured in minutes.

T2P2 Day meaning

(n.) Twin Tower Pentagon Pennsylvania Day. A.k.a. 9/11.

T2R meaning

Only the best band ever! Consisting of Lightweight Jigsaw and Loose Moose, this band kicks solid ass. GO KEYBOARD!

t2sb meaning

Time to slap a BitchA phrase used texting when referring to taking public transport, because a vast majority of the population who take public transport have a complete lack of all sense and courtesy.

t2tg meaning

slang for true to the game

t2ul meaning

talk to you later