meaning and definitiont00l
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meanings of t00l
the superlative form of "tool". used to describe an immensely stupid, self-absorbed, or awkward individual. actual t00ls often misuse the word to humorous effect.examples of t00ldom include: commenting on others' facebook wall posts, injecting oneself into conversations, being recklessly self-important, operating under the delusion of having many friends, and shamelessly imitating superiors
(Verb) Internet slang for the word tool similar in definition but does not relate to male body parts. 1. Being a complete Moron/Asshat 2. Doing something stupid at anothers transgression withut realising it 3. losing in a game due to your own fault, loser.
Zachary Merrick from All Time Low. An ugly guy who never wears shirts on stage.
To apply an engine management system to a car
A 1337 sp43k version of toopid. Used when stating that someone has a lesser state of mind. Usually done in chat rooms or internet forums.
L33tspeak variant of "Test". Originated in the 112th Clan forums and spread to mine. Spoken entirely at random, or when testing your new signature/rank.
n., team of four; (understood)looking for a team of four; looking for a team of 4 players to scrim any game against.
An angry, intolerant, liberal-hating regular at Fazed.net.
myg0t backwards,myg0t members often tag t0gym, because the word myg0t is banned on many servers. Online gaming authority dedicated to our own method of legitimate online game play.
dick licker
It means 'thanks'.
l33t sp34k for: Laptop; see also: topz0r
Cool, fun, and everything you ever wanted to be in one person. He's just way better than you'll ever be.