meaning and definitiont0gym
mean? Here you find 2
meanings of t0gym
t0gym is myg0t backwards, often used on VAC servers as the word myg0t is banned.
myg0t backwards,myg0t members often tag t0gym, because the word myg0t is banned on many servers. Online gaming authority dedicated to our own method of legitimate online game play.
dick licker
It means 'thanks'.
l33t sp34k for: Laptop; see also: topz0r
Cool, fun, and everything you ever wanted to be in one person. He's just way better than you'll ever be.
I think in Denmark "tøs" is just a regular name for girl, but in Norway it got a little different angle. a t0s (tøs) is a slutty girl, a girl who just sleeps around whatso ever. t0s is not "wifematerial" but can be alot of fun on party's Alsoo see "billig"
Internet chat-speak for owned, which means "the act of totally dominating an oponent". Pwn is pronounced "pown" or "puh-won", and t0t4l f00k1n pWnAgE is pronounced "total fooking pownage".
Someone who is wheelchair bound but has the ability to dance.
Thank you.
T0x1K:(Noun) A twisted replica of Toxic. Has a strange talent at gaming, eating, and staying alive under wierd circumstances... Has the tendancy to bite...
myg0tt0y is am AZN nigger-wannabe homosexual who went out with a guy named ''lauren''.