meaning and definitiontaal
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meanings of taal
Abbreviation for "turn around and laugh". Command to someone sitting somewhere else in the same room.
A vey powerful and wise druid that take tree form to heal her friends in time of need.
Text language for: Text/Talk At A Later Time
Tååmzallier (Taam-za-yiler): The great eagle king of the Kolmier civilization who ruled with iron talons and brought great prosperity to North America before the tyrannosaurus uprising of the late Triassic period. He and his surviving band of human worshipers fled the planet leaving behind a bomb so powerful it wiped out all dinosaurs and and caused an ice age. It is because of his knowledge and wisdom the modern human race has been established.
Taana is a name for a really tall hot blonde who is soo pretty and smart. She is smarter than all. She loves being spontanous and if you ever hang with her you'll have a great time. She's the sort of girl you easily fall for and if you if she ever likes you make sure you get her and never let her go she's too perfect to let go. If you ever did you'll regret it for the rest of your life so keep her if your ever that lucky to have her.
Tits, Ass, and Vagina
The relationship between Toph Bei Fong: the Blind Bandit, and Aang: the Last Airbender and current Avatar.
A person who gets angry so easily. However, their arguments are usually invalid.
Tits, Ass And Pussy; used to establish the identity of a hot chick nearby.
Any audio cassette which contains a mix of songs, specifically made for you by a friend. If the 'taape' has a title (preferably written with a biro) or celotaaaaaaape covering the holes to enable multiple recordings, then it is called a taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape!
Lyn's mini goat bread mystical child of doooom!