tababomb meaning and definition

tababomb meaning

Bustin' a nut all over that trick's face.

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tababoy meaning

combined "taba" and "baboy" taba is the tagalog word for fat. baboy means pig.

Tab Abuse meaning

Tab Abuse is when you are cross referecing information on the internet ,but are really engrossed when you find more info.You intend to come back to read that start opening more tabs, multitasking tabs until you have so many open your internet explorer encounters a problem needs to shut down and you loose them all at once.

tabac meaning

A French term for tobacco; used as a shorter and groovier alternative to the English "tobacco".

Tabaca meaning

1.Tabaca n.= Short for Tobacco Mexicana Fresh Marijuana, Bud, kinebud, Juan shares with all of his amigos to the north. 2.Tabaca = Natural Herb smokes, not Marlboros. A God given medicine 3.Tabacca = alternate spelling ; same as Marijuana.

Tabaca Mexicana meaning

1.Tabaca n.= Short for Tobacco Mexicana or Fresh Marijuana, Bud, kinebud, Juan shares with all of his amigos to the north. 2.Tabaca = Natural Herb smokes, not Marlboros. A God given medicine 3.Tabacca = alternate spelling ; same as Marijuana.

tab a caxi meaning

when your to shit faced to talk, let alone drive home so you tab a caxi

tabacco junkie meaning

A person that simply enjoys tabacco.

tabachim meaning

a fat boy or girl with a dark complexion ad smells like vinegar.

Tabacky meaning

Anything deemed tacky, over-the-top or just plain gaudy even by African-American standards. A combination of the words "Black" and "Tacky"

tabaco meaning

never smoke tabaco because you get addicted to it then its bad for your lungs. really bad