tabac stop
meaning and definitiontabac stop
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meanings of tabac stop
A small portion of tobacco placed under the marijuana in a pipe or bong. It's main purpose is to block the hole in the bowl-piece with tobacco so that the weed doesn't fall through. It is also used to add a small head rush to the buzz, and make it burn more smoothly. A good ratio is 95% weed, 5% tobacco.
a word that can describe anything that you want it to describe. also can be used to divert attention away from certain subjects.
Tabageddon - noun - The point at which the number of open tabs becomes completely unmanageable, requiring you to indiscriminately end it all with one fell click of an X.
When a Couple is having sexual intercourse from behind at the top of a staircase and out of no where the male pulls the females arms up and rides her down the stairs. AKA: Sweedish Tabagen
In Quebec provence, a corner news stand that may specialize in finer tobbacco products, such as cigars. Many have their own humidor. Also common name for a news stand in a train station, bus station or Metro station that may sell finer tobbacco products like cigars, news papers and some tacky souvenirs, but is not per se a souvenir store exclusively. Similar to a Depaneur, but sells only candy bars and snacks, not staple foods like you would find in a dep.
To analy satisfy a female so hard that an onlooker might confuse her for an actual sled!
A very tight butt hole.Usually has not been touched
Term referring to those who are addicted to Tab soda.
to be bitten hard by a highly intoxicated half jew
To go out murder-raping in a "Vincent Tabak" stylee, specifically with strangulation as the modus operandi.
Slang word referring to cigarettes or tobacco.