meaning and definitionTaBaHo
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meanings of TaBaHo
A very tight butt hole.Usually has not been touched
Term referring to those who are addicted to Tab soda.
to be bitten hard by a highly intoxicated half jew
To go out murder-raping in a "Vincent Tabak" stylee, specifically with strangulation as the modus operandi.
Slang word referring to cigarettes or tobacco.
a big mosh pit or a ryit
the word you say when your teammate spikes the volleyball down so hard and you get the point
Opening a new tab only to realize you have no idea why you opened it.
A slap in the face to someone for being obnoxious, rude, disgusting, dislikable, or repugnant.
when you are heartbroken over someone and in a sad, depressed mood.
A boy that looks like borat.