Tabetha meaning and definition

Tabetha meaning

absolutely sexy and beautiful woman. sweet, caring, and very intelligent. very independent and hard headed but loves with all her heart like no one else. she is also very honest and true to herself and everyone around her. definitely an amazing person to have this one of a kind name.

Tabetha meaning

a best friend

Tabetha meaning

the biggest slut you will every have the miss fortune to meet, don't trust her as she will flirt with everyone, destroy friendships and try to steal your boyfriends, she doesnt know when she is not wanted and she just always wants to hurt people

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tabetiquette meaning

The proper conduct expected while one is browsing the web on another's computer:* do not close others' tabs * do not modify others' tabs * do use your own tabs (by opening a new tab)

Tabfa meaning

acronymn: "That's A Big Fat Ass" Can also be used as a NOUN referring to one with a large gludious maximus.

Tab Factor meaning

How many browser-tabs you've opened after researching something on the web.

Tab Fiending meaning

- To browse the web using an internet browser with an excessive amount of tabs open.(eg. 7+)

Tabfined meaning

Tabfined implies that one appears to be confined to one tab when browsing. Commonly used when one asks a stupid question that could easily be answered by opening another tab and searching for it.

Tab Ghost meaning

When a computer opens 3 or more tabs by itself when the user tries to open one new tab.

tab hang meaning

to listen in on someone elses conversation derived from the ear being known as a 'tab'

tab hanging meaning

To listen in on other's conversations that don't concern you.

tabhappy meaning

when a person opens a million new tabs on explorer, firefox, etc. instead of navigating on a single page.

Tab Hijack meaning

When you go to a website (usually via Google) and upon finding nothing useful, it wont let you leave by either:A) Making you outsmart the website by pressing the back button twice in quick succession.B) Giving up and opening a new tab because the above was futile.