tattoonomics meaning and definition

tattoonomics meaning

The inverse relationship between the number and visibility of tattoos and earnings potential.

tattoonomics meaning

The inverse relationship between the number and visibility of tattoos and earnings potential.

Read also:

tattoopo meaning

A misspelled tattoo - resulting from going to an under-educated or amateur tattoo artist, likely while impaired and unable to supervise the quality of their work.

tattoo porn meaning

porn involving people with hot tattoos It's sometimes joined by piercings

tattoops meaning

When your tattoo artist screws up your tattoo.

tattoo real estate meaning

The non-inked parts of a heavily tattooed person's body. Bare skin that is a gold mine for tattoo artists.

tattoo redneck meaning

A white trash redneck living in a ghetto populated mostly by African Americans, such as a white kid in a trailer park in Atlanta, Georgia

Tattoo Remorse meaning

Looking back on a tattoo you got when you were younger, or thought would be cool at the time, you realize the tattoo is stupid and wish you had never gotten it in the first place.

tattoo removal meaning

The opposite of being "tattoo worthy"; a fall from grace

Tattoosa meaning

A small, fake tattoo...

Tattoo scratcher meaning

Is a person that is tattooing without a license, and do it in a basement, kitchen, etc

tattoo shark meaning

A ruthless greedy person who steals ideas or ideals from others because they are too depressed to confidently think of their own.