UAF meaning and definition

UAF meaning

A loose group of plebs here in the UK. The acronym stands for Union of Arrogant Fascists. Comprises chinless inadequates, illegal immigrants and uptight feminists of the Bull-dyke variety.

UAF meaning

UAF is an acronym for "Ugly As Fuck""And if them hands ain't up, its probably because you broke or you ugly as fuck" Chip Tha Ripper

UAF meaning

Ugly As Fuck, someone so hideous that even their presence provokes nausea.

UAF meaning

Ugly as fuck

UAF meaning

An acronym standing for Ugly As Fuck. It is somewhat popularized by the rapper Chip tha Ripper on his mixtape Gift Raps.

UAF meaning

Urban Assault Fan. It is a term used on Urban Assault forums what is a method to refer a large group of players of the Microsoft's abandonware. Invented by superbob1998, is used normally to refer to large number of users, not to one specifically.

UAF meaning

University of Arkansas Fort Smith. Quite possibly the poorest excuse for a college in the nation. It is a glorified community college that instead of expanding parking and such they want to build more dorms for some reason. The teachers there are as liberal as they come and spout off pathetic lines like, "People who don't abort children with Down's Syndrome are irresponsible." I'm not kidding either...

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UAFaggot meaning

Person who only wears Under Armor

UAFF meaning

noun, an American organization who sympathizes with the IRA, Sinn Fein, and the Republicans. Created in the year 1999, they plan to fight along side with the IRA, and drive the Brits out of Ireland forever.

uafr meaning

Your a fucking retard.

U A G meaning

Under Age Gash

uagh meaning

another way to say the word dayummm`

Uagi meaning

a person place or thing that has caused, will cause, or may cause either extreme euphoria or extreme sorrow

uaglio meaning

(why-yo) -italian dialect from napoli, italy. said when refering to a young male. kind of like saying "man, guy, dude, hommie, or kid." ask an italian guy, he'll tell ya.

UAH meaning

acronym meaning under age hottie or hotty, normally used to describe an attractive 16 or 17 year old female. generally pronounced 'you - ahhh', and used on the down low.

Uahh meaning

Some retard sound those few idiots make- A variation of a laughing tone when someone gets owned.

U AHH BITCH meaning

a ultimate cut down said in a deeper voice like a large black maleWhen to properly U AHH BITCH!! : when a friend enters a room, when a friend leaves . by surprise at any time ,can be turned in to a trick in witch you write it in hidden places to get people when not around