Uber Alice meaning and definition

Uber Alice meaning

Specialist form of Tutonic Bukkake, filmed with a very obliging frau.

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uber alles meaning

Means above everything.Also a great song by Dead Kennedys.

Uber Alt meaning

An adjective used to describe someone or something that exhibits strong characteristics of being alternative or pertaining to alternative subculture.

Uberamazsuperiortasic meaning

adj. To be the most amazing person ever. Everything about you is great. There is no one else in this world that is better than you.

über anal piledriver meaning

a sexual position that is like the anal piledriver, except that the man massages the woman's G-spot with his fingers while fucking her in the ass; it is called the über anal piledriver because it goes above and beyond the anal piledriver (German über means above or super)

uber and chill meaning

It means that you are going to Uber over to your partners house and fuck with Netflix in the background.

Uberang meaning

When you get so drunk you have to take an Uber home from a bar and then have to take an Uber in the morning to pick up your car and drive to work.

Uber Angst meaning

When your Uber driver spends the length of the trip bitching ad nauseum about crappy disrespectful passengers, bullshit city policies that make their lives hell, Uber driver contracts that bring them lower pay and no workers rights all the while driving like a maniac to your destination while you strap in, hold on and pray.

uberanium meaning

a word that can be used instead of a word that you can't think of at that moment.

uber asian meaning

Refering to things very asian in orgin.campy asian sterotypes.

Über-ass meaning

synonym for omni-ass, the word that describes joeyritsma superbly. To be Über-ass is to be as ass as joey ritsma... which may not be possible.