u7gh meaning and definition

u7gh meaning

Originating as an IM typo, "u7gh" shows the writer's feelings of distaste through "ugh", but times seven. Said out loud as "Ugg seven" "ugg times seven" or "seven ugg"

Read also:

U8 meaning

verb form: to burn out

u83|2 1337 h4x0|2 meaning

Super Elite Hacker

UA meaning

U/A (Noun)-A Urine Analysis taken by an addiction counselor. It can also be used when taking a drug test for employment but it is not recomended due to the nature coming from Drug Abuse Centers.

UAA meaning

The sound of someone gaging/throwing up/vomiting.

UAAHD meaning

Acronyms used for online chatting. UAAD = U Are A Dork UAAHD = U Are A Huge Dork

UAB meaning

Under Age Booty. This term arrives from one of Maryland's elite overseers of the young. Coined in 2007, the use of this term has been passed around in a tight circle (no pun intended) of friends and acquaintances. Whenever one sees a UAB, one must at least acknowledge the presence of said child. The official saying of UAB fans is: The younger, the better. The best place to find the U-est UABs is the hospitals when they are born. However, access is not always available so it is suggested to go to child's places such as Chuck E Cheese or Pump It Up. Although public demonstrations of UAB love is frowned upon, a UAB-ist should show it proudly and high-five, hug, kiss, then have intercourse with the finest and U-est UAB they can find. This definition has indeed been written by the originator: ShiningSeoul.

UA BEBE meaning

Ukrainian Bebe, or Ukrainian baby. Bebe sounds much better. UA stands For Ukraine

UABH meaning

pronounced ooh-baa. Use a Bigger Hammer. Another way of solving a mechanical or construction problem usually by destroying said problem with a "hammer"

uac meaning

underground art criminals, they do kick ass grafitti.

UACCM Jeep Stand meaning

The act of becoming semi-famous at a Community College in rural Arkansas by climbing to the top of the Campus Police Jeep and taking pictures of yourself to show the level of control they have on the campus.