uamofo meaning and definition

uamofo meaning

Abbreviate-Ugly Ass Mother Fucker

Read also:

uampts meaning

just to piss someone off

UAN meaning

An urbandictionary ass nigga. Someone who always has no idea what anything means unless it comes out of a Webster's dictionary.

UANAL meaning

U are not a laywer.

uanan meaning

a prick who's small and looks like an eight year old girl

Uandals meaning

A subcategory of sandals. A uandal is a sandal that anyone can wear, male or female.

uan dom meaning

Thai word for fat nigger. Fat, lazy, dark person.

UANUS meaning

The University of ANUS

uap meaning

Under aged pussy. Most commonly used by creeps.

uapo meaning

Spanish & short for "Guapo"

Uappy meaning

To be uber happy.