uber danis meaning and definition

uber danis meaning

Uber danis ness its a term that mean i think you are so cool

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uber dank meaning

high-end marijuana that is prepared to perfection.

uberdarque meaning

An elegant way of saying a very black person

Uber-death-muffin meaning

The Uber-death-muffin is the only known cure for Caids (a rare hybrid of cancer and aids). There is only one Uber-death-muffin known in existence, yet no one afflicted with Caids has been brave enough to try it, due to its warning label. It is said that anyone who eat it will have their Caids cured, but is destined to die in a way Over 9000 times more painful than they were originally destined!

uberderranchenveiser meaning

A word that is better without a meaning...

uberdexterwise meaning

To the right and up a bit.

uber-dextrous meaning

Uber-Smart with Dextrous physical capabilities.

Uberdick meaning

A person who's personality resembles a rather large penis.

uberdictionary meaning

add uber to any word as a pre-fix and it automatically makes the word super, or extra.

uberdiechen meaning

extremely homosexual; especially lesbianish. one who is extremely homosexual or lesbianish. the act of being extremely homosexual or lesbianish. from german uber and slang dyke.

uberdike meaning

super dike, the dikeyest out there