uber-haxor meaning and definition

uber-haxor meaning

A person that is good at a game but still uses hacks...

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UberHaxorNova meaning

uberhaxornova or james is the MLGER THAN KOOTRA.james is the best at dead space 2 and is in a show where he they talk about butts and how kootra stinks.he is great at doing a handicap and kootra impression.FAVOURITE COLOUR PINK FAVOURITE PHRASE LOL

uber head meaning

When you go down on an Uber driver and get a free ride.

uberheady meaning

More than just plain heady. The Headiest.

uber heady spaghetti meaning

When an individual believes their knowledge of "heady" subjects is unsurpassed, but in reality they are just putting up a front. Usually become very defensive when called out, and generally lose ensuing argument, though they usually don't realize it. Not a term of endearment.

Uber-heffer meaning

(Derivative of heifer) Someone who eats a lot and who closely resembles a pizza oven in size.

Uber-Hefmeister meaning

A seriously fat person. Much fatter than a biffa or a heffa!

uber hella meaning

Combination of the words uber and hella. Used directly before an adjective to give an extreme twist to it.

Überhellashibbycore meaning

Overly kick ass, in a very good way. This is a variation of hellashibbycore, but it sounds better with über added to it.

UberHeroFallen meaning

UBERHEROFALLENIs when an elite hero gets killed in battle.

Überherzsterben meaning

THe weirdest band on the face of the earth, always writing songs about dogs and rape, and raping dogs...