uberepicnicity meaning and definition

uberepicnicity meaning

an epic, so awesome, that it's very difficult to achieve

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uberepicwinzorsoft meaning

A win which is deffined only when a man is giving up his 'manlyness' and conforming to his 'loved one' - but gains something out of it ultimately, making it a win win situation that he has to become 'soft' for.Because he is so manly, however, his conforming only assures his manlyness, as he is so manly, he can becoming soft to gain something, proving his uber ness, as well as his epicness, and that he is "uberepicwinzorsoft".

uberer meaning

more uber than

Uberesque meaning

The art, the style, the flair of being uber. To describe something done with much uberness.

Uber Everywhere meaning

To "uber everywhere" is just like it sounds. Using the app taxi service uber to get to places. Great if you're lazy or just wanna get fucked up in Downtown (as to not get a DUi). Great thing about ubering everywhere is that you can still bring a chick home and FUCK! :D

uber excited meaning


uberexic meaning

too l33t to eat someone so 1337 that they never ever touched a piece of food

uber extra meaning

an over exaggerated amount of being extra

uber-exubilant meaning

The feeling of euphoria one gets upon arriving at the office and being told that the annoying twat who sits opposite you has been run over by a bus.

Uberfacepalm meaning

Uberfacepalm: A word commonly used in chatrooms and games when someone does something so idiotic that a regular, more common 'facepalm' will not do.Uberfacepalm is also used as a meme depicting someone from Germany, commonly Hitler, facepalming, though this usage is slowly fading out of existence.

über-fach meaning

Pronounced eww-ber-fuck (with heavy German accent)1) more than your usual fuck.