uberific meaning and definition

uberific meaning

Conjunction of the words uber and terrific. Absolutely the most terrific thing that has ever happened. Period. If something is "uberific" there is nothing that could ever be better.

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Uberifical meaning

A word that someone used to define Jason Snow. Obviously people who use this word are ridiculous and cannot produce logical compound words.May or may not relate to the state of being great.

uberificate meaning

to make something that is not yet uber, uber.

uberillionaire meaning

Someone who possesses more money than at least any ten people would know what to do with. Wealth matching, if not surpassing, that of the Kings and Emperors of olden times.

uberindie meaning

if indie isnt indie enough, unberindie beats all things indie

ubering meaning

The act of driving for Uber.

überior meaning

adjective. Better than simply 'superior' or even 'über', of a person: aloof, exuding pride and arrogance.

Uberiskin meaning

The act of playing a video game so hard, that you do not pay attention to anyone/anything around you, and you leave a perfect indent of the chair. Riskin is gaming so hardcore that you play for 72 hours or longer in one riskin session.

uberist meaning

Person who is uber

Uberite meaning

A person who uses Uber religiously

uberitis meaning

Uberitis is a social disease that affects some of the stronger players in any Internet based massively multi-player game when the "uber" players begin to feel a sense of entitlement because of their high standing relative to their peers. This inflammation of the ego eventually leads to arrogance, elitism, and many other forms of socially destructive behavior.