uberleet meaning and definition

uberleet meaning

uber comes from the German language. It is a cognate of both Latin super and Greek ýðåñ (hyper). It can mean different things in german but super is most common. Basically, uber = super leet (1337) is an english word and has two different meanings, one being elite but origanally meaning cool in the 2000s. Basically, leet = cool Basically, uberleet = supercool

uberleet meaning

better than 1337

uberleet meaning

freaking awesome!!!!!!! its a gamer term meaning you are better than everyone else

uberleet meaning

Uber = Very in german, but used as "Super" to "l33trz" Leet = Elite, good. L33trz = See Leet Speak. Uberleet = Very good!

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uber leet haxor meaning

Somebody that not only uses hacks but is unusually good at hacking.

uberleetzors meaning

Better than most leet people, usually at counter strike.

uber-left meaning

A group of radical Marxists, in other words the "uber left", who believe themselves and/or their political philosophy to be invincible.

Uberlichious meaning

An outstanding superlative, magnificent, righteous, above every other, preeminet in quality and flava as relating to food, style, life, hair color and favorite t-shirt material.

uberlicious meaning

High and godly, above all

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Noun: The most beautiful girl one can come across. An Uberlicious girl is that special someone that warms your heart and tickles your soul no matter what. One will grow fond of her because she is genuine and true to herself.

uber lit meaning

Another meaning for super lit.

uberlitionism meaning

The political movement to free taxi drivers from the slavery-like yokes of taxi-industry regulations.

uber lock meaning

uber locks that you cant get out of, very strong, made up of pure 1337

uberlolz meaning

Reaction to a statement so funny, it is beyond laughing out loud (lol)