VA61NA meaning and definition

VA61NA meaning

this is the alphanumeric way to say vagina. it is the sister version of PEN15.

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vaa meaning

Acronym for Volunteer Association of America (VAA). One of many fraudulent volunteer associations designed to lure would-be good souls into a mythological world of non-activities and servitude. Origins of the fallacious group can be traced back to a one-time good soul who volunteered his time and efforts to help out a worthy cause in rural southwest Virginia. Later the good-soul-turned-bad decided that the real reason he was volunteering was to collect mileage reimbursement. The greedy being then made false accusations of failure to pay and began the VAA in hopes of tricking naive do-gooders into signing up with the VAA and an eternity of lies, falsified documents and embezzlement. The VAA founder continues to this day, to make false allegations, and post derogatory comments about other volunteer groups in hopes of obtaining world domination. See aav

vaaaaaaaaaa meaning

Whatever; Get ready for a story;

vaaaaaaat meaning

A.K.A What. Used when someone commits a very random or stupid act

Vaad meaning

To be serene and in perfect harmony with one's surroundings

Vaada meaning

a fake barbie that needs to go on Jenny Craig dieting.

va a fare in culo meaning

"Fuck you" (italian). Also Va'fan'culo or vaffanculo for short.

vaag meaning

--adjective Unbelievably impressive. Something that elicits the need for positive exclamation. This word is often confused with it's homonym vag, which tends to have negative connotations. Vaag, however, is always a positive expression.

Vaage meaning

Vaage (noun) 1. Dutch slang with similar meaning to the English word, cunt 2. Also often substituted for the English word, mangina

vaagish meaning

A Human being with extreme levels of power. He is extremely strong and handsome, but has a huge ego.

Vaagur meaning

A fart that escapes between your thigh and testicles creating a propeller-like noise.