VacationGF meaning and definition

VacationGF meaning

When someone goes "wtf, WHEN have you ever had sex?", -with a fictional girl on vacation. Amy..what was her last name..she didnt say. A vacationGF may not always be an imaginary person, if a hotel waitress smiles at you that means she wants to have sex with you and therefore you had sex with her. Similar to a WhereIusedtoliveGF and FromMyOldWorkGF.

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vacation girl meaning

The teenage girl a teenage guy meets on vacation at the beach/campground/etc, that he inevitably falls in love with in a matter of two days then is heartbroken when they leave to go back home because she seems to be perfect

Vacation Goggles meaning

The act of lowering your hook up standards while on vacation. Similar to beer goggles and generally they go hand in hand.

Vacation Hair meaning

Vacation Hair occurs when one is on vacation (to the ocean) and their hair becomes un-ruly, frizzy and fugly. Vacation Hair can happen to anyone, but is usually seen on mothers and aunts, in other words, women between 35-60, and harshly acknowledged by younger generations viewing the phenomenon.

vacation hangover meaning

That time period after returning from being away on vacation to your everyday life and work. Feeling hungover, tired, and unmotivated.

Vacation Head meaning

When a person does not accomplish anything at work because all they think about is their upcoming vacation.

Vacation Hookup meaning

A fictitious girl that a teenager (or occasionally college student) will claim that they hooked up with while on recess.Vacation hookups are usually invented by kids towards the bottom of the social heirarchy, who have no success with girls in real life and are insecure about this. By providing what they consider a plausible tale of sexual virility that is difficult to disprove, they hope to garner respect and make themselves more popular.Unfortunately vacation hookups never usually achieve their intended goal, as such stories are usually met with a lot of scepticism if the guy in question has never shown any ability to score with women anywhere else.

Vacationing meaning

(verb) The act of going to an out of town destination for the sole purpose of defiling ones body and soul in as many sinful ways as possible, esp with the use of alcohol, gambling and strippers.

Vacationing Down meaning

The period of time when you get back from a vacation and you are still completely lazy, don't do any chores, respond to text messages... etc.

vacation in hell meaning

Time spent away from your usual routine but that you can't really enjoy.

Vacationitis meaning

The lack of concern for any of one's responsibilities in the days (or weeks, or months) leading up to a vacation. Physical symptoms include the wearing of capris and jeans at work, flip-flops, or Uggs, and a lack of makeup or grooming. Dishes begin piling up in the sink, and the afflicted's response to most questions is: "Uh, I'll worry about that later." Can happen as early as the date of vacation planning, or as late as the hours before the flight leaves.