Vadered meaning and definition

Vadered meaning

To borrow or steal

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vaderesque meaning

a dark foreboding feeling, often associated with a tightness around the neck.

Vader-Fett Complex meaning

When you play a major role in a pop-culture phenomena and nobody knows that it's you. Common afflicting costumed characters who have someone else's voice dubbed over-top.

Vader Helmet meaning

Slang for manmeat, cock, penis, willy, one-eyed snake, meat and two veg, party sausage, kojak in a roll-neck, etc Associated with the shape of anti-hero Darth Vader in George Lucas's popular Star Wars episodes.

Vadering meaning

Jumping in the air while somebody pretends to force choke you. Looks better if done with a low camera angle facing upwards.

vadering the mic meaning

In multiplayer gaming, to accidentally position a headset's microphone in such a way so that the player's breathing is heard loudly over the output. Taken from the similarity of the sound to Darth Vader's breathing apparatus.

Vader Invader meaning

The action of inserting one finger in the anus and one in the vagina simultaneously, so that the hand makes a 'V'.

vaderised meaning

to be converted to look like darth vader

Vader Kush meaning

A special type of Kush (weed) which upon being smoked can induce a galactic high.

Vaderphobia meaning

Fear of turning to the dark side

Vader pic meaning

A female on Facebook whose laziness or technological ineptness leads to her profile picture being the default "Vader pic." Although the neck of the default Vader pic is slightly thinner than its Star Wars counterpart, it remains kinda scary.