Westhillian meaning and definition

Westhillian meaning

The word describing someone who lives in the Western part of St.Catharines. So, somewhere between the St.Paul bridge and Vancicle road. We are often associated with thorold kids.

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West Hills meaning

A quiet, boring, mostly white neighborhood in California. A place where old rich people live.

West Hoathly meaning

A tiny village situated in West Sussex, on a hill.

West Hollywood meaning

L.A's most urban neighborhood. The gay mecca of the city or suburb. Let's just say lots of pretty men in Euro dreads.

West Hollywood Belt meaning

When your pants are too loose to stay up so you give yourself a wedgie so you can hold your pants up betwixt your clenched buttocks

west hollywood mudflap meaning

When a faggot pushes his balls inside his own asshole. Gives the appearance of a muddy mudflap upon removal. Often shortened to WeHo Mudflap.

West Hollywood slide meaning

The act of having receptive anal intercourse with multiple partners in a short period of time. The lube from the first time is still present for the second and third, allowing them to slide in with ease. The Silverlake Slide is the same thing, but without the use of condoms.

Westholm meaning

As an adjective, used to indicate supremacy; as a noun, Westholm refers to a most singular individual, whose adventures are legendary; as a verb, synonymous with coitus.

West holt high school meaning

A high school in bumfuck nowhere Nebraska where the only foreign exchange student in the state can fuck the superintendents daughter. Instead of driving normal cars to school the students prefer to drive their alcoholic dads tractor. The school is trying to scrape the dip spit off the hallways. Most graduates grow up to be live at home kids.

Westhood meaning

Officially known as Westwood, MA. One of the most ghetto places in all of suburbia. Full of punk-ass white kids who think they are badass. Islington, aka Slingtown, is the worst, most run down part of the town.

Westhoughton meaning

A town in Greater Manchester, England. Once a nice place, the town is now overrun with marauding gangs of chavs who can be seen roaming the town with their bottles of Frosty Jacks cider and/or vodka. They usually congregate on parks or fields, however they will often crawl out of their nests in attempt to rob, rape, fight, or to ask somebody to go in the shop to collect their poison. They can also be found hanging around their local council estates fighting and breeding with each other. 30% of the town is inhabited by people suffering from some form of mental retardation, most likely due to inbreeding. These groups of people can often be seen licking the windows of local shops or attempting to remove the tyres of passing cars. The town's corrupt police force are not much better, turning a blind eye to the real violence erupting in the town and venting out their frustration on innocent members of the public. If you're planning on raising your children in Westhoughton.. don't. They'll smoke, drink and experiment with drugs before the age of 14, and most likely become pregnant or impregnate their sisters/cousins much younger than this. In a nutshell, it's a shit-tip. Once you enter you most likely will not leave alive.