w00tadin meaning and definition

w00tadin meaning

A player(need not be of paladin class) in World of Warcraft, on a roleplaying server, who has reached level 60 without understanding even remotely what a roleplaying server is, or, in some cases, without being able to understand the server language. Players of this (very common) category are definately in World of Warcraft for teh eppixx, and teh ph4t l3wt(the epic gear and the rich loot), and are generally considired to be the bane of roleplaying everywhere.

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w00tage meaning

synonym for the phrase *w00t w00t*

w00tageness meaning

Supreme w00tage, often used in extremly happy events such as winning a contest or a much hated person dying.

w00tah meaning

an exclamatory word simalar to "hurray." Also the most kick-ass web-site in the history.

w00tahgee meaning

w00tahgees are a bunch of ninja-indians who kill everything

w00talcious meaning

My fucking word...take it and I will kill you.

w00talicious meaning

Being fabulous and worthy of w00t-ing at.

w00t alors meaning

It's mashup of woot and the french word zut alors.Zut alors: Damn alotw00t alors: YAY alot

W00t and Cheese meaning

1. a magic phrase that makes impossible things work, like abrakadabra. 2. an expression of joy; huzzah

w00tang meaning

n. A being of greatness; Pimp

W00tapapolis meaning

A place where people go where they are faced with extream excitement of somthing that has happened.