w00tcake meaning and definition

w00tcake meaning

An expression of extreme joy and excitement.. because! w00t = something very cool cake = tastey

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w00tcore meaning

(adj.) or wootcore. An adjective or exclaimation that expresses momentous joy towards something, or someone - so much so that their primary instinct might dictate that they make an exclaimation along the lines of "woot!".

w00tday meaning

w00tday in its most simplistic form represents Friday. However, it means so much more. w00tday can refer to any day in which the following days will be work free and fun. In order for w00tday to fill your weekend with w00t (def2) it is necessary to pay homage in some form. Be it wishing people a Happy w00tday or wearing some form of w00t iconography.

w00ted meaning

to be owned, pwned, killed, and/or insulted doing something stupid in a funny or noobish way

w00teh meaning

Just another definition of w00t and w00tage. Meaning something is really cool, rocks or kicks arse!

w00ten meaning

dr1v3 l33t around wif0ut any s3nse

W00tenanny meaning

A clandestine meeting of Haxors over the Internet.

w00tenhaus meaning

A pseudo-German word meaning "something of great joy" or w00t. Used to explain a event of great jubulation or joy. Sometimes replaces w00t as an interjection.

w00terrific meaning

A combination of the word "w00t" and the word "terrific." Used as an adjective or exlaimation in reference to something very good or pleasing.

w00ters meaning

this word is mostly a combination between the words w00t and hooters. Also commonly used in on-line gaming, namely Counter Strike. Jesus used this phrase at least twice.

w00tersc00ter meaning

A veriable on w00t.. just to say something is cool. Originally from CS.