meaning and definitionw2f
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meanings of w2f
way to fail usually used after complete failure
Acronym used in chatting, texting, t-shirt captions and other terse forms of communication.4 possible meanings:a.) Want to F#ck b.) Wet Wild (w2) and Fast c.) Way too Far d.) Way to Fail ____
Short form of "way too far" used when another person said something too offensive that is no longer funny
Stands for Way To Fail. Not to be confused with wtf, which means "what the f***."Similar to epic fail; used especially if the fail-er was trying to show off or be cocky before he/she failed at what they were doing.
way to fuckin go w = way 2 = go f - fuckin g = go
Way To Go. Sometimes used in sarcasm.
Went to go get water. Used in Instant Messaging. (esp. AIM, MSN, Yahoo, IW)
Want to get high shorthand for texting
Way too high for this.
Short for Windows 2000.
Word to Mother- A form of agreeance or acknowledgment, usually used in chat rooms or text messages.Abbreviated- W2M
The dead weight people you find in large companies. It is exemplified by a tumor and the inability to create your own work, thus needing to be a W2 tax structured employee.
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Welcome to the Family in online lingo