w3irdal meaning and definition

w3irdal meaning

One of the sexiest people in the world! Also known to idle alot and make be uterly useless. Also, is hard to understand at times, but can make your day!

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w3n meaning

1337, or d00d 5p33k for "win", spelled "wen" to purposely sound like a retard. Incorrect grammar must be used in a sentance using "w3n".

w3n0rz meaning

a stupid 1337 way of saying "weniers"

w3nis meaning

A l33t son of a gun. He pwns noobs on his spare time. he has uber micro

w3rd meaning

A gamer response for agreeing. :D

w3rfd meaning

IRC slang for "word," as in "word to your mother." It originally started in EFNet's #nin, where substituting 3 for e ("w3rd") had become popular leet-speak parlance. At some point, someone slipped up and hit the f key (note its close proximity to the "r" key), and it caught on. It has since propogated throughout the IRC community.

w3rk meaning

The place you go in order to save up money to buy the sword that you plan to use to kill your boss.

w3schools meaning

a site created by webdevelopers whose only purpose is to misinform other webdevelopers in order to keep their job

w3w7 meaning

Same as "w00t". Just typed differently.

w3wt meaning

An expression of joy and excitement. See w00t for further clarification.

W40k meaning

The tabletop game developed by Games Workshop in which players compete with miniature armies set in the 41st millenium. Players build up their armies from plastic boxed sets and make lists based on points value (ie a bunch of crappy guys or a few kick-butt ones). Many unique types of units exist in each race of beings, and there are 9 unique races to chose from, each with their own flavor. The game features the ability to either shoot apart the army from a distance or close in for some visceral close combat. The universe is rather dark, where humanity worships one man called the Emperor. Other beliefs means heresy, another word for 'Death Sentence'.