meaning and definitionw4nk
mean? Here you find 2
meanings of w4nk
1) a group of dudes who like playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2) sex, singleplayer mode
An elite and unique brotherhood of geeks that have uber-skills in all possible situations in daily life.
Wanker, tosser, dickhead etc
the most fucking gay "e-gang" that has happened. oderint dem metuant my ass. wee > w4r
w4r10ck na linguagem da internet sigunifica uma guerra interna em um determinado servidor,A palavra w4r10ck esta em binario e pode tambem figuinificar bloqueio de guerra.w4r10ck=warlock w4r= guerra+10ck=bloqueio Bloqueio de guerra
Warez/Pirated software said in "leet" text.
woman for transsexual/transvestite/transgender
No lifing, wannabe ranger. W4tch My Hit is a noob that thinks he owns Majwinterse but sadly does not. Also he gains range wwwaaaaaaayyyy too fast.
Acronym meaning 'Woman for Woman.' Used as shorthand in personal ads online or in newspapers.
Who, What, Where, When and Why. Similar to asking the "411" or detailed information about an event.
Acronym for "Who What Where When Why How". This definition appears very rarely and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: * Slang/chat, popular culture
What, Why, Where, Who, When The Fuck