meaning and definitionw8
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meanings of w8
W8 is an abbreviation of Windows 8.
Short for 'wait' or 'waiting for'
The W8 is an eight cylinder engine produced by Volkswagen. 72 degree V, but because the W8 is made by combining "two 15 degree VR4s" the pattern reveals a "w".
The greatest mp3 phone ever made by Sony Erricson!
W8B4UH8 - Wait before you hate.
An internet term meaning 'whatever'. This clever shortening of the word relieves the author of having to type the letters 'h', 'a' and 't'. This saves time so the author may continue in various important exploits.
Waiting for something
Wait and See Was the name of 1970/80s European Jazz Funk/Fusion band. Many of the band's songs had titles which used the acronym W8NC
Short internet form of: Waiting for You.
netspeak for whine or wine. similar to w8 (wait). Possibly originated as a typo.
The facetious version of "w00t", which has been combined with "rolling one's eyes" (99) . "Yippee. Hoo-ray."
To use oranges for sexual pleasure. More tame version of Za as oranges are less zingy (see 'Za')
The WA2000 is a semi-auto sniper rifle used by the West German Armed Forces. This sniper rifle has been in action since 1982, and has been used by German Police forces and Military forces. It has also been used in the infamous game Modern Warfare 2 as Infinity Ward's 'official Russian sniper rifle'.