meaning and definitionWabajaba
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meanings of Wabajaba
Bird poop, specifically some that is on a car.
The noise a man makes when:1) He finds out his date has a dick. 2) When he casually spanks his date, after climax, and then buys her a taxi.
to randomly(out of nowhere) whoop someone's assderived from the weapon in ESIV: Oblivion
To ride a pedal bicycle eratically.
mexicans who try to pass themselvs off as American Indians.
A vagina with teeth.
The random transformation of one object to another by means of enchantment.
multiple sex positions in a very unorganized orgy.
1. A pair of weird looking slippers that you are forced to wear when you walk into your classroom in tokyo. They come in a variety of colors such as Pussy-Pink, Butt-Hole-Brown and Baby-Shit-Green.2. In The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift the lead character Shaun walk into his new classroom in tokyo and the teacher gets pissed and says "wabaki" like 5 to 6 times, Shaun walks out grab a pair of "Pussy-Pink" slippers.
A greeting, like hello or aloha.
You say this when someone comes up from behind you , usually a friend, and touches your ass