Xanthocyanopsia meaning and definition

Xanthocyanopsia meaning

Inability to perceive red or green tints.

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xanthophobia meaning

fear of the fantasy series known as Xanth, other works by Piers Anthony, or the sci-fi/fantasy genre as a whole

xanthophthalmia meaning

A condition marked by a yellowing of the eyes. It may be a symptom of jaundice.

Xanthopoulous meaning

The coolest name in the world that you can say for hours on end and attracts all the ladies

Xanthos meaning

A chess playing retard know-it-all type.

xanthous meaning

Fair-haired. Often red, silver, blonde..

xanthrax meaning

An uncommonly used slang term for the prescription drug Xanax.

Xanthropology meaning

The study of Asians. pronounced (Zanthrowpaulowgee) xanthro- scientific prefix for yellow or yellowing. ology- the study of This is a bastardization of the word anthropology which is - the study of people, their behavior and origins.

xanthuse meaning

(verb) 1 to say, utter or exclaim something in delight or surprise. 2 to laugh or burble with joy esp. in surprise. 3 to communicate in an exuberant mannerxanthusiasm (noun), xanthucious (adjective), xanthuciously (adverb)etymology: xantho-, a combining form meaning "yellow". It is thought that the word was first used to denote the happy mood evoked by a sunny day.

Xantia meaning

a beautiful woman whois a pure goddess. one of the most interesting people you'll meet, and one of the most loving.

xantippe meaning

A shrewish wife. From Xantippe, the wife of Socrates.