Xenophiliac meaning and definition

Xenophiliac meaning

The technical definition is sexual attraction toward the unknown, or that which is different.Those who identify as Xenophiliacs typically feel sexual desires for one or more fictional races of aliens, mutants, or other sentient beings that are not human in movies, books, etcIt is not limited to any gender or sexuality.

Xenophiliac meaning

A xenophiliac is someone who has feelings of affection or attraction towards unknown/foreign objects or people. Xenophilia is the opposite of xenophobia or xenophoby.A xenophiliac is more likely to participate in outbreeding, which produces superior heterotic offspring.The word is a modern coinage from the Greek "xenos" (ξένος) (stranger, unknown, foreign) and "philia" (φιλία) (love, attraction).

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Xenophiliobia meaning

The sexual attraction to the fear that foreigners give a person.

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xenophilliac meaning

a mental illness where someone cares more about other cultures and peoples to the destruction of their own.

Xenophobe meaning

1. Someone afraid of aliens. 2. Someone afraid of foreigners.

Xenophobia meaning

Fear, dislike or prejudice against people or things from foreign countries or places.

xenophobial meaning

Xenophobia is defined as "fear of foreigners". Many people believe this to JUST mean something related to racism. What many people do not realize, is the definition of "foreign". Foreign can mean anything that one is not familiar with. With that in mind, xenophobia can be applied as an adjective "xenophobial". Xenophobial is generally used in the context involving social interactions. All in all, xenophobial means shy.

xenophobiaphobia meaning

The phobia of xenophobia

Xenophobic meaning

Adverb; 1. Someone who has a fear of foreigners or foreign things. 2. Rad person who goes into the Goth room in Teen Chat and you should totally check them out.

xenophobophobe meaning

one who hates people who hate foreign people or things.

XenophoeniX meaning

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