x00w meaning and definition

x00w meaning

the cosmic opposite of w00x i.e. the ultimate suck

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x0ax0ax0ax0a0 meaning

xa0xa0x0ax0a is the greek way of hahahahaha used usually for online Chatters and etc...

X0G meaning

Internet faggot that lies and says he needs money to pay for hosting.

x0nkers meaning

A l33t Linux nerd. Most likely spending time developing software, hacking high-profile networks, or raping people on MMORPGs.

x0nz0red meaning

x0nz0red is pronounced "yon-zor-d". It is an alternate version of the word "pwnt" which is derived from a scientific calculates code for standard deviation which is "xon". To be x0nz0red is similiar to being "pwnt". (See pwnt) The best way to deliver a x0nz0ricon is to use German language such as "Ich bien x0nz0red" roughly translated "I have been x0nz0red". A common phrase to use is "Looks like youuuuuuuuuuuuu just got XONZOR3D." when something happens to another person, no matter how trivial it may seem.

x0r meaning

A substitution for the suffix "-ck". eg, hax0r, fux0r, chix0r, sux0r. When using the x0r construct, the "-er" suffix becomes superfluous. Hence, "hacker" does not become hax0rer; rather, the terminal -er is dropped.

x0r3d meaning

(pronounced zord) 1. Completely and totally owned or dominated 2. Made to look like a complete nub 3. see zored

x0rcist meaning

a ub3r-1337 tfcer who hates NS and is super sexy

x0rz meaning

x0rz is a suffix of words or names. For instance: Ann --> annx0rz Habbo --> habbx0rz AIM --> aimx0rz fuck --> fux0rz suck --> sux0rz rock --> rox0rz and so on. Other letters can be replaced into 1337, 1F j00 |/\|15|-|.

x1 meaning

1. v. (to x1) to find something on your computer 2. v. (to x1 someone) to prove to someone that an email or file exists 3. v. (to get x1'd) to have someone else show that you did indeed actually get a specific email. 4. n. (X1) a desktop search product that lets you search the emails and files on your computer and across your network at speeds matching the original Bell X-1, the first plane to break the speed of sound.

X10 meaning

An internet ad, see pop-up