x0rz meaning and definition

x0rz meaning

x0rz is a suffix of words or names. For instance: Ann --> annx0rz Habbo --> habbx0rz AIM --> aimx0rz fuck --> fux0rz suck --> sux0rz rock --> rox0rz and so on. Other letters can be replaced into 1337, 1F j00 |/\|15|-|.

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x1 meaning

1. v. (to x1) to find something on your computer 2. v. (to x1 someone) to prove to someone that an email or file exists 3. v. (to get x1'd) to have someone else show that you did indeed actually get a specific email. 4. n. (X1) a desktop search product that lets you search the emails and files on your computer and across your network at speeds matching the original Bell X-1, the first plane to break the speed of sound.

X10 meaning

An internet ad, see pop-up

x-101st meaning

The worst clan to ever stop face on all of roblox. Bar none. Their leader is a cheap, cheat and free model user who basically place steals. Their members are extrememly stupid. Further more they have no military training and cannot use guns if their live depended on it.

x 1039 rock meaning

Stupid shitty rock that white trash poser bros listen to in the 909. Bands include Trapt, Puddle of Mudd, Limp Bizkit, and many more shitty ass bands for posers to get high to.

X11 meaning

The X11, X.Org server, in a Linux Machine that allows for a windowing system, it contains the dreaded xorg.conf file and is one of the centerpieces of a Linux desktop, commonly controlling the mouse, and other more advanced peripherals

x12 meaning

To magnify a word to the 12th power. Mostly using words to insult people to a greater extent. Will not make sense to them, why you say x12 till they find out the definition.

X-13 meaning

Verb. To sing metal songs about people who are but mere puppets in IRC channels. - To ask the state of another person by asking a common question. IE - "How are you?".

X-15 meaning

A plane in which Chuck Norris made and flew after watching and being inspired by the movie "Top Gun."But seriously now, the North American X-15 is, to date, the fastest and highest-flying aerodynamically supported machine ever built.Compared to the SR-71 Blackbird, the X-15s closest rival, in these catagories: ------Top speed--Highest altitude SR-71__Mach 3_______89,000 ft. X-15__Mach 6.72____354,200 ft.

x187x meaning

We rule the rest, We will conqure all. x187x word to your mutha

x1t meaning

x1t is an All time Pro-gamer! He is always happy, and shoots a lot of headshots In his game (counter-strike) He is also a l33t golf players. Thats the way he has got his aim, from praccing Golf!