meaning and definitionx22cheats
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meanings of x22cheats
x22cheats is the most popular website that offers cheats for well known online games such as Counter Strike, Call Of Duty and Battlefield series for a great price. At the moment x22cheats has best anti-leak protection for its cheats.
In the world of X-Men, Wolverine got cloned by a group called Hydra. They named the clone, X23. She is a 14 year old girl and a dangerous "living weapon". Or that's what Hydra wants her to think. After going rouge on Hydra to get revenge on Wolverine, Wolverine make's her understand that she is a child, not a weapon. Unfortunatly, she had to run away. What happens to her next is unknown.She is one of the newest and coolest characters on X-Men Evolution, and hopefully to be in the comics!
A gang of Straight Edge members, that part take in hardcore pits and are notorious for being violent towards all those who are either "non-edge" or dont support there cause.
X26 is a brand of taser devices. Its one of the newest in it's kind. It's a taser that has what's called XP. Extra Pennitration. What this means, is that it can easily pennitrate through lines of clothing, and then it causes the NMI effect. NMI is short for Neuromuscular Incapacitation. The X26 taser is full of compact features such as laser sighting, LED flashlight, memory storage of events, an optional air cartridge that can fire up to 35 feet, and lots and lots of other wonderful features.
It's a codex for film files. As a newer version of ripping which are currently used, and most likely will fully take over the place of the old DivX. This is a lot better quality, and are very recomended for HD-tv rippings.
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See UnseenXS is another alias of his. Has come to mean awesomeness.
a robot that is going to defeat the world even russia
An 'x2k' is a needy, power-hungry mess of a human being, one obsessed with being at the centre of anything and everything. Holding a party? They'll want to take over organising it. Buying stuff? You can bet they'll have spent twice as much as that by the next time you speak. Having a shit? They'll squat down on the floor next to you and coil off a monster. Roald Dahl's book, The Twits, says that people who are ugly inside are ugly outside. This is true of the x2k. You'll see them on every street. They're the ones with curved spines and deformed faces. Best avoided.
A movie that was originally rated X, but has been edited down to an R rating.
A "Group" of white males that reside in the foothills of North Carolina. They are beleived to act in a very "thugish" manner. Members can often be found "cruzin" local roads, for no apparent reason. They "talk junk" until the "po-po" shows up, and then continue on cruzing till the wee hours of the morning. Most of the members come from rich white families and reside in the suburbs.