meaning and definitionx33
mean? Here you find 3
meanings of x33
(emoticon) way to express that something is cute or funny, but emphasized.
a heart- a more passionate form of x3 or <3
The X-33 was a technology demonstrator for NASA's "next-generation" of space launch vehicles.
:.::This is not from a TV Show or Movie, this is actual information gathered from military inteligence leaks::.: Designed by NASA the X-33 and X-35 Passenger shuttles will now have a third installment, the X-37. With the discovery of a new super-heavy element Ununpentium (Atomic number 115) with a massive power output, A combined NASA and Military project has begun to create the first craft capable of atmospheric Mach 10 speed and possible Hyperspace travel. The design will feature NASA's new electron magnetic shield and Photon-Energy beam technology. The new craft dubbed the X-37 will run entirely on a system core feul of Ununpentium. There is no currently set release date, however you can bet the public will not know about it for a long time.
Xbox 360 Forum Freedom FightersA popular group of members from the popular website, Xbox 360 Forum, dedicated to sniffing out and killing all gestapo scum that comes near the site.
The marking of a Console Hero. If someone has this in their Xbox Live gamertag they are a Console Hero.
extreme wow. used by the most awesome people in the world!!!
Perverted, Disgusting, Slimey, Dirty, Gross. Used to describe perverted behaivior and habits. Also used as a name to call a perverted person.
The L33tspeak adjective describing someone who is a uberleet god/king, like Xerxes I in the movie 300. A person that is x3rX typically has thousands of minions at their disposal with each one willing to die for his/her leetness. This person is only found on a mobile throne propelled by minions on foot. Never will a x3rX person physically touch the ground, instead choosing to walk upon his minions. Should a minion fail in some manner it will be punished severely by flogging or decapitation. In general, x3rX is a superlative to leet.
the word SEX turned 180 degrees.
A radio transmission in Counter-Strike, meaning: Get in position and wait for my go, but said in normal life
A homeless, xbox playing faggot, who has absolutely no friends, nor life. He pleasures himself whilst playing the game, and will ejaculate as soon as he calls in UAV. He uses very many UAV's, which contributes to his very short ejaculation time. He uses his sniper rifle as a device to pleasure himself in the anus. 413k represents the 413,000 people who have questioned his sexual orientation.
x420n is slang for when you get weed and sesh at "the pit" (420 at suaves) while listening to fucking brutalz x3n compilation of submission bass dropz, shrillin vokillerz and progressive guitarlolz.