xandy bar meaning and definition

xandy bar meaning

A higher dosage of Xanax, usually the bar shaped scored white ones. This is street slang and has nothing to do with consuming an actual candy bar.

xandy bar meaning

a term used to describe placing xanex pills into a candy bar and eating it. xanex+candy=xandy bar

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xane meaning

I sweet kid that can sometimes be taken for granted. He can be kinda clingy and a badass but he's awesome. Also very good looking

Xanecdote meaning

a short and amusing or interesting story told about a real incident or person on xanax, or told while on xanax

Xanex meaning

aka- Alprazolam, Xanor, Alprax, and Niravam is in a group of drugs called benzodiazepines (ben-zoe-dye-AZE-eh-peens). It affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause anxiety.Aprox: 88 different sizes shapes and colors.Most common-Oval Blue "football"- 1mg Oval Orange "football" .25mg White Rectangle "Bar"- 2mgColors: Yellows, Greens, Pinks,Shapes: Round, Oval, Rectangle, Triangular...Strengths: .25mg .5mg 1mg 2mg 3mg -YES: 3mg..!

xanex bars meaning

a pill that straight fucks you up for about 5 hours. You cant walk straight, you cant talk straight, you cant think straight, and eventually theres a good chance you will pass out and not remember what happened the day before. Its like being drunk, but in pill form. It is hands down one of the best pharmaceutical drugs out there. :)

Xanexed meaning

(Pronounced zan exed) To take a bunch of one drug and feel the effects

xaney meaning

Street name for the prescription drug xanax.

xanflix and chill meaning

The act of taking Xanax and preceding to Netflix and chill

xanga meaning

Well, the other definitions pretty much hit it on the nose. But don't be like the junior high retards and pronounce it "EXANGA". Them, along with many dumbasses who use Xanga actually are stupid enough that they pronounce the "X" in Xanga to make it sound like "EXANGA". The "X" in "Xanga" is pronounce as a "Z". Pronounced "Zanga". Although middle school retards who are obsessed with Xanga can't even wrap their minds around the pronunciation even though they were taught how to pronounce "X" as a "Z" in the beginning of words in elementary school.

xangafied meaning

when you take something someone has said..and blogging it for the widespread masses to read. Usually embarassing to someone or other.

xanga fraud meaning

a xanga fraud is a person who writes for the sole purpose of eliciting comments from the xanga community, without thought to the consequences or impact it may have upon certain parties.