xax meaning and definition

xax meaning

A xax is an alien vagina. The attractiveness of a xax can be denoted by the spelling. A xax is a standard alien vagina. A xxaxx is the most attractive of alien vaginas. Ancient legend tells of a species whose females have xxxaxxx, but the legend has never been confirmed.

xax meaning

To own someone verbally.

xax meaning

common abbreviation for the X-component of the coordinate of vertex A in the right X plane of a cube

xax meaning

homosexual, gay, not-straight, faaaabulous, fey, into guys, hates the vagina, a fan of the chocolate starfish, and his favorite food is hotdogs and donuts.

xax meaning

small, weak, yellow biatch

Read also:

xaxa meaning

Greek and Russian for haha. Latin H is X in the Cyrillic and Greek alphabets.

xaxau meaning

Its killing it. Like in a rave with lazer and beats. Its XAXAU

xaxaxa meaning

The most retarded yet the funniest way to laugh.

X axis meaning

a code used among teens to define a girl's butt in reference to the 3 dimensions on a graph. Z axis is how much it sticks out. Y axis is how tall it is. X axis is how wide it is.

X-axis box meaning

Unlike a standard box (pussy) which lies on the Y-axis plane (vertically) the X-axis box appears normal from the outside but is rotade 90 degress on the inside.

x-axis gun meaning

By executing physical science's right-hand rule, point the x-axis direction pointer finger at the target and motion trigger-pulling my moving the third, fourth, and fifth fingers (the y-axis direction) while making gun noises with your mouth

x-axis tango meaning

another term for sex

Xaxle meaning

'Xaxle' is a time travelling internet comic book character found in the Xaxle comics at www.smoothieliveson.tk. Xaxle is also one of the alias' the owner of SMoothie Lives On uses.

xayavong meaning

Hot or cute and pretty chill. Funny and maybe can be a tagging artist.

Xayide meaning

crazy, funny looking, mischevious, energetic, intresting sence of humor