xms meaning and definition

xms meaning

Abbreviation for eXtreme Makeout Session. A makeout session ranging from 1st to 3rd base depending on the situation, location, or mood. Usually planned ahead with no emotional attachment or strings attached.

Read also:

XM Satellite Radio meaning

Satellite radio service that is superior to all others.

XMSG meaning

When messaging and having two different messages being sent and recieved to and from the same person, XMSG means to cancel one of the two messages and continue it on the other. Not to be replied to. Useful when on one of the message conversations has lost it's vibe.

X-Must meaning

Obligatory Christmas greetings.

xMV meaning

A music video featuring clips from movies, TV shows, cartoons, or anything other visual media. Like an AMV, but using something other than anime.

xmx meaning

Drunk texting somebody.

xmyth meaning

shortened and more enlightened version of xmas, or christmas

XN meaning

A strange creature who does not know how to breathe. Non-human. Very sporty. Likes Coca Cola. Never try to insult this creature, or else-

XNA meaning

Xbox New-generation Architecture, directX New-generation Architecture, Xbox Native Assembly, "cross-section" New-generation Architecture, "XNA"Microsoft's development framework, used for Xbox 360, windows, and windows phone 7.

xnaga meaning

Spelling of "xanga" because Xanga.com filters the word "xanga". Pronunciation: "snagga"

x nah meaning

Means hell no is gangsta terms for mostly wiggaz!