Yacey meaning and definition

Yacey meaning

Another term for vagina, typically used in non-profitable sentences. Also a spice used in making cake for homeless shelters.

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yach meaning

Similar to what we humans know as a yacht. However there are certain individuals who have difficulties pronouncing this word- hence yach

yachary meaning

badass mofo who is a straight up thug. you fuck with him he fucks with ur bitches. end of story.

Yachats meaning

A magical town filled with stoners, homosexuals, mushrooms festivals and Steve Erwins vacation home.

Yachemi meaning

Female demon summoned by Robert King in Orlando, FL. She is under his command and will devour anyone in her path.

Yachera meaning

A totally Awesome BAMF

Yachia meaning

Pronounced as Yay-shaLusciousA female name - usually someone Chinese.One or two Americans might actually have this name.Is a curse word in an unknown language

yachna meaning

someone who is non-social yet amazing and likes to eat ice cream, watch a lot of tv shows and practically live their life in a sweater.

yachneh meaning

Yiddish word for an annoying nag of a woman.

yachoed meaning

To get interrupted by a parent while playing an (online) video game, usually when in a voice call with others.

yachsta meaning

when a female transfestite shoves her penis up a male transfestites vagina. There is also 2 men giving anal 2 the 2 transfestites.