ya gone meaning and definition

ya gone meaning

A phrase used to abruptly dismiss someone from your presence. Demonstrates displeasure with the opinions, requests, or appearance of the recipient, and by utilizing the past participle of the verb, expresses the desire that the recipient leave sooner rather than later. Though colloquial in nature, it is very effective in a wide variety of scenarios.

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yagoo meaning

can be a greeting, an expression of bewilderment, an expression of over excited agreement, or nickname for a friend.

yagoogalizer meaning

NOUN. someone who gives the yagoogaly at a funeral.

Yagoogleize meaning

To do a search on google.

yagoona meaning

A term used to describe a bad smell in the air which is characterised by its similarity to bin juice

Yagotthejobbeddy meaning

telling someone that they have done good, affriming greatness

yagp meaning

Acronym meaning Yet Another Gak Project.

ya gran meaning

it is the next level up from "ya mam" which is commonly used by "chavs"

yagreed meaning

Shorthand Instant Messaging speak for "Yeah, Agreed"

Yag Ru meaning

Simply you are gay in slang terminology.

yag saggin meaning

a gay nigga. usally meaning a really gay one like all preppy and gay but yet still a nigga. Not good to be one not good at all.