Yaboo meaning and definition

Yaboo meaning

Originally a term used amongst agricultural communities in northern Georgia, the word 'yaboo' was used to describe crops that were in unnaturally high demand at given times. Also known as "Fad Crops".More recently, the term has been applied to fads in pop culture; often used when categorizing.

Yaboo meaning

Breasts... Yeah thats right

Yaboo meaning

A reaction to something good & bad.Origin: A combination of yay and boo.

Yaboo meaning

Not being overly fond of yahoo

Read also:

yabos meaning

An Australian Redneck

yabose meaning

describing pretty much the most ridiculous situation ever, so ridiculous you're pretty sure it's made up.

Yabos of Steel meaning

A breast that has had about 5 or more breast implants that it is so imbeded with Silicon, it is virtualy indestructable. In fact, it can, and sometimes even is used as a pot holder for pots or pans that are too hot for bare hands. In some cases the breast is even amputated and places in bulletproof vests, for protection.

Ya Boss meaning

Ya boss is another way to say blow job.

Ya Boy meaning

Vallejo Police Department and all its officers and privates that do too much and try to justify it. The force that rely on they Tasers and juice folks unnecessarily. Pepper water (MACE) and cuffs be they second weapon of chioce to their Tasers. They all have ADD (Arrest and Detain Disorder). Look at the statistics, for this year half the murders in Vallejo are complements of Ya Boys.

YABR meaning

Yet Another Bugfix Release

Yabriel meaning

Usually it means a bitch

ya bro meaning

An interjectory outburst created by C*****n H**d which can be used for near any occasion in which one shows agreement with what's going on. Usually said in less than half a second, in a quick outburst, with more emphasis and tone of agreement being put on the "o", and during a period of short pause in the main speaker's conversation.

Yabsera meaning

An Amharic name. Meaning Gods job.

yabsolutely meaning

Slightly more than absolutely. Slighly less than abso-freakin-lutely