Yadick meaning and definition

Yadick meaning

Small unkempt child of below average intelect . Mothers especialy from inner city council estates somtimes call their ofspring Yadicks

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Yadida meaning

yadida started as a alternate way to say "you know" in the bay area.. gradually over the years slang changes. it is most commonly used now as a slang word for cocaine

yadidabooboo meaning

it's like fuck- it can mean whaturr you want it to, cousin! it's a lot of fun to say when you're drunk/crunk/stupid/hyphy/white.

Yadidadido meaning

What a cool girl from west phoenix is called.

yadidafeelme meaning

synonymous with yadidamean. "know what I'm saying?" popular in Richmond, CA

yadidamean meaning

Know what Imean?? Do you know what I mean? Do you know what I'm talking about? Do you hear what I'm saying? Do you feel me?

Ya dida mene meaning

To understand someone. To understand spoken words.

yadidamsayindo meaning

you know what i'm sayin, though?

yadidamuffin meaning

Kinda like yadidamean, but completely better.

Yadidaninja meaning

when you sneak up on a beezy and get hyphy on her ass.

yadidasayin meaning

you know what im sayin?!