yads meaning and definition

yads meaning

A word used to terminate a conversation over the Internet if the conversation is particularly pointless or going nowhere.

yads meaning

The term YAD is the acronym of the expression "Ya dude" and is often used in text messaging or on websites like Twitter which often require a word limit. The word YAD is most often used in replacement of the word "yes" to express great enthusiasm and excitement in their response. This term is most frequently used in Santa Cruz, CA but is soon to be proclaimed a part of the California slang.

yads meaning

yads stands for "you're a dick sometimes." used in internet conversations hinting some to quit being a dick, or huge jerk.

yads meaning

backwards spelling of day.

yads meaning

the emotion of wanting to laugh but also wanting to brake down crying.

yads meaning

Cocaine Short for yadada

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Yadsicles meaning

An awkward situation, usually led on by a small black kid.

yadsirie meaning

Yadsirie is a beautiful girl that loves to live life. she could be really difficult to understand sometimes but she got a big heart and whenever she says she doesn't care thats means she really do care,she hides her feelings.

yadu meaning

1. Yadu is a sanskrit word which means nitamb, gand, guda, chutar in hindi. 2. ass. 3. Name of an antenna.

ya-dude meaning

Obnoxious arrogant young men (often college aged) with very little to say, yet can not shut up. Prone to talking very loudly when sober, and outright shouting and yelling when drunk. Frequently they drink to get drunk, and do so to excess. They are invariable loud and sloppy drunks. Ya-dudes favor loud bars, and clubs; usually with loud popular music (typically hip hop, or '80s hair metal) that also feature equally vapid young women who favor the bump and grind style of dancing. Ya-dudes are frequently observed in the company of slam pigs and pursue women almost exclusively as sexual objects. They normally have terrible taste in music, like action films, and eschew reading. Ya-dudes are generally very concerned about current styles, and status symbols, yet often exercise questionable taste. Ya-dudes often co-opt ebonics and other forms of urban speech and use it without irony. They are typically caucasian but can be of any race, and have previously been referred to as white hats and todds. The term is most prevalent in New England and to a lesser degree in other Northeast states, and can encompass several other types of obnoxious young men including jocks, frat boys, preppies, and guidos. A quick way to spot a ya-dude is to examine their speech. Example: Ya-dude #1: Sup brah! Ya-dude #2: Not too much buddy, I am suffering though. I got frrrrrrrricking wasted last night. YD1: Ha ha, no doubt. I could tell you were having some fun last night. Yo, that slut you left the party with was fucking mad hot, son. YD2: Tcha . . . Ya dude! Hence ya-dude.

Yaduh meaning

Yaduh is a word used as a response to something one says that is obvious and already known.

Yadule meaning

An Arabian milk man.Often delivers milk on his magic carpet.

yaDUMB meaning

a quick comeback of denying or saying " no" to someone is a hilarious tone , often used when asked to share food or drink with a peer . pronounced ( ya Dyūmb )

Yadun meaning

Wall street slang expression used by a broker when stating that the order the client has requested for a particular security has been completed.

Ya Dunce meaning

Phrase routinely used to tell someone they fail at life.

ya dun flop meaning

To take the piss when someone has just said something dead and is a 'flop' when if it was funny would normally be followed with a 'ya dun'kno'