yaega meaning and definition

yaega meaning

German slang used to identify dogs of the homosexual orientation.

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Yaegan meaning

A Young-Ass vegan: used to describe the child of a vegan, indoctrinated from birth. One clearly not yet of an age to decide for themselves that Fakeon, Tofurky and soy milk is some weird-ass shit to be avoided at all costs.

yaeger meaning

a freakishly large nose, almost always shaped like a hawk nose.

Yaegered meaning

The act of missing a crucial putt in golf by the smallest fraction of an inch. Or missing a putt in golf when the ball "hangs" over the edge of the hole.An example of this is when Phil Mickelson missed his putt on the 18th hole of the British Open in 2016 to end with a 63 instead of a 62. If that putt had fallen, he would have had the lowest score in a round during a Major tournament in the history of golf.

ya eh meaning

it's another way to say "o ya" after somebody tells you something.

Yaeism meaning

Pronounced Yay-ism. Used to describe a person who lacks certain knowledge that is known by every other person in the world, or something a person does that is peculiar and uncommon, in a bad way.

Yaeko meaning

A ninja type of war cry.

yael meaning

Hard to "type" cause the more you get to know her, the more you find out how truly deep she is. Shes the girl that has enough self esteem that she doesn't need to push herself into a conversation. She can sit quietly, thinking; and the next minute be loud and funny. She doesn't speak bad about people, or say catty things. Which makes her the kind of person who - if shes having a bad day, you automatically want to give her a hug and make it better, cause you know she'd do the same for you. She makes sure to always include others, and isn't patronizing about it. But shes definitely always there for her close friends. Shes genuinely sweet and has random outbursts of funniness. This makes her a very lovable girl, whom everyone can relate to. Barely do people get mad at her, or have "drama" with her, because she doesn't push herself out there, or make a big deal about petty things. Or lie. Or exaggerate for attention. She notices everything but doesn't publicize anything. Yael's strongest point is that she's quiet enough that everyone knows shes a real, deep girl, but she has an amazing personality and zero ego about it. Definitely a keeper!

yael field meaning

a pretty, sweet and fun girl, who loves being with her friends and having a good time. shes cool and nice, she is the greatest friend, because she will always be there for you, you can always depend on her becuase she always has a shoulder open. she is a smart girl even though people might not think so.she knows who she is and will never change for anyone. shes is a great girl to have around. she is one of the silliest, funniest person ever! she will always make you laugh and smile.

yaeli meaning

always the prettiest girl in the room. always dresses pretty but ZERO self confidence. the most loyal friend anyone can ask for. sometimes kind of stupid and sometimes kind of smart. thats it. oh and yaeli likes flowers

yaelle meaning

Yaelle is independent, strong willed, and will fuck a nigga up if she needs to. She has the most beautiful hair and eyebrows and face and errythang, plus shes got an ass bomber than anyone else's. Her frenchie features are 2die4. Yaelle enjoys watching sex documentaries on Netflix. She's always there for a friend when it matters and is one of the best people i know. I <3 Yaelle, also commonly known as yell yelly yellbell and the booty.