Yahavmail meaning and definition

Yahavmail meaning

You have mail

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Yahawah meaning

The True Name of the Most high God. He only love the 12 Tribes of Israel Who are the Negroes,Latinos and Native Americans.

yahawahay meaning

being cognitive of the spatial qualities of time. From a quantum view. Spoken: YA HA WA HAY One who lives in the Past, Present and Future. The Name was given to me in a dream from an Indian Chief. I know its a palindrome.

yahayra meaning

usually a child abuser...crazy as hell and doesnt give a fuck about what you tell her.

yahbahdabbadoo meaning

the party has started.

yah balls meaning

An emphatic agreement with a statement. Commonly used in Singaporean Standard English, also known as Singlish. Sometimes spelt "ya balls".

yah bitch yah meaning

History: Made famous by the soulja boy song called yahhh bitch in the year 2008 A.D. A hit among urban music lovers across the continental U.S., yahhh bitch was discovered by a group of students at The Ohio State University during a new rap music conquest event held every Thursday evening. Definition: If someone is annoying you in any way by means of asking for something, congratulating you in a kiss-ass fashion, or trying to be your acquaintance for no reason other than your perpetual sweetness; you may interrupt them with a swift "YAHHH BITCH YAAAAHHHHH!!!". This act usually leaves the assailants confused, even flabbergasted making a quick exit for the YBY user possible. Broken down to the basics, it symbolically means 'get out my face, hoe'. This term is synonymous with the famous "shupbish". Although this phrase is usually reserved for the famous, if you are an 'Average Joe' but someone is being extremely annoying, you may feel the power of YBY coming over you; then and only then is it ok to go ahead and spout YAAHH BITCH YAAAHH at the top of your lungs.

YAHBN meaning

Your Ass Has Been Notified

yahboo meaning

An interjection used when something bad happens. Also a noun meaning a bad event The polar opposite of "Booyah"

yah boo sucks to you meaning

Used to show you have no sympathy towards someone. Also can be used to the same affect as 'So there'

yah boss yah meaning

A phrase that is a combination of the popular phrase "yah bitch yah" made famous by soulja boy and the common use of the word boss by Mr. Click.