Z8 Forum
meaning and definitionZ8 Forum
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meanings of Z8 Forum
A forum where trolls all over the world come to complain about how they despise and hate the game Cross Fire. One out of every ten threads located therein contains an intelligent thought. Simple requests are met with cold, biting, sarcasm and "Your Mom" insults.
a forum located at: http : // forum.z8games.com/a place where kids troll, rarely adults. a place where immature ppl lurk and post, a place to QQ about BR's, a place to QQ about z8, and every fucking shit. ever since z8 and suba splited the forum has turned into a total swamp, full of fucking trollsa positive thing: it's active.
The opposite of A1
ZA stands for Zuid Afrika. It Is dutch for South Africa. We have to use this cause Sudi Arabia clamed SA the dicks.
Something stupid. He likes it up the pooper sometimes, but most of the time jerks off to "kids in a sand box" video.
The cool way to say pizza.
An expression of excitement. When one is really happy about something they often zaaaa, the more a's used the more the excitement.
An impulsive exclamation uttered in response to either a ridiculous comment that presents an awkward situation or a misfortune that befalls a person.
ZAAAAAA ZAAAAAAAAAAAAA is a way of expressing happiness, excitement, joy ect. ZAAAAAA ZAAAAAAAAAAAAA is spelled with six A's in the first ZA and fifteen A's in the second ZA as repeated numerous times by the original creator. The original creator of ZAAAAAA ZAAAAAAAAAAAAA is Collin Fiol. (a.k.a the awesome merch dude from the band Late Nite Reading)
the act of "tomahawking" or "supermaning" or even scrapping ones knee.
Complete an utter douchebags who act quiet and shy but are secretly judging and hating on everyone. This type of person only use others when they need them, but do so in a subtle manner. You wouldn't even know it was happening to you. Obsessed with gaining weight and muscle, they look down on anyone who is not of similar body type. They don't care who they hurt as long as they reach their goals, which seem to consist of the aforementioned muscle gain, knowledge of medicine and maybe basketball. Zaafers fall in love only once, at the age of 15 and will never fall in true love again. They usually leave their true loves after being blinded by their goals around the age of 18 but will come to regret it later on in their lives.