meaning and definitionz3
mean? Here you find 5
meanings of z3
coolest bmw sports car
standard government approved unit of measurement used to quantify the degree of extension of an object that cannot be aptly measured in the field.
A radio transmission in Counter-Strike, meaning: Stick together team, but said in normal life
Z3, An extension of a mans penis, the bigger the car the smaller the penis, driven by wall st brokers and theives
Lamest BMW Sports coupe. Miata with a new badge. suXors.
A phrase commonly used to create liquid in the pants of females. The more commas used, the more liquid created. A maximum of 40 commas may be used, as more than this will create an infinite amount of liquid and destroy the universe.
the ultimite machine. a head turner. and a complicated machine that makes mechnices drop to on their knees with tears.
Ultimate asshole that makes life generally more fun. Says phrases like "without me life is jus aweso" and "if you are wat u eat, does that me a pussy". If u do make friends wit s personal like this they usually are one of the most loyal and reliable people u will ever meet but don't mistakes kindness for weakness. Once they have snapped on you MOVE AWAY FAST!! He will not care who's there if its time to fight hen a fight will happen.
Z3bra McAnimal, exists on Blogtv.com and is AWESOME friendly from New Zealand... :)
uber leet, the shit, a god, jesus.
see "asshat"
Some people say that he does exists, some people say that he actually dwells in Brazil, but the truth is that he doesn't exist! He is an irc bug from our imagination which can design websites and send us hentai!
"leeter" than mutha/muthism/and anyone else who dares challenge him!
over-rated bmw with "american sports car suspension". Your spine will be destroyed in this car. Steer clear
The rippyest four wheeler ever. It will rip all over the 400 ex, take that shit mikey