meaning and definitionzachness
mean? Here you find 1
meanings of zachness
Some who is a little nancy that must always check his facebook before masturbating. Someone who must trick girls to make out with him. Someone who wears several shirt sizes too small but tries to hide it with under armor AKA smedium.
A piece of shit, that hangs from the hole in between your ass cheeks.
The coolest, most layed back guy you know. Zach is always ready for a party but is usually cool with relaxing too. Definition of a socialite, insightful, some times a man whore, but always fun. Zachs are more than likely amazing people who are sometimes stubborn but get what they want.
someone who is a total jack off yet still retains the ability to look cool doing it; the act of zaching off
One of the top names people are naming their babies now.
Zachary Levi + Yvonne Strahovski = Zachonne
foreign, odd, or strange.
An awesome guy. He's nice, funny, attractive and is just absolutely amazing. Sometimes he may make you want to smash your head on a wall, and he can be very annoying. He has a great sense of humor and is just fun to be around. He can be inappropriate but usually in a funny way. He easily makes friends and is a bit weird, but that's what makes him so cool. He can be harsh sometimes but only when it is truly necessary. Overall he is a great guy and is a great friend.
Any pizza ingredients on a bed of tortilla chips. Baked like nachos in an oven or on a grill. Invented at The Full Monty on Vancouver's Wreck Beach. Unlike nachos the sauce is baked into the dish not served seperately as a dip.
Zac howell is a self righteous prick, he's a bad friend and has a micropenis.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh coach my knees hurt. im gonna have to sit out this week and get a bag of ice for every practice.