Zacky Baker meaning and definition

Zacky Baker meaning

The rhythym guitarist of Avenged Sevenfold. Plays a Schecter S1 Guitar. Uses Bogner Uberschall Amps. Blue Eyes. Black hair. Septum Piercing. Gaged ears. Two lip piercings. Lots of tats. Has a clothing line, Vengeance University. Full name Zachary Jonathan Baker. Born December 11 1981. Owns a dog named Ichabod and a fish named Crimson Sushi. Stage name: Zacky Vengeance or Zacky V.

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Zackyin meaning

completely overdoing a joke or conversation and being a total and complete loser about everything. making horrible jokes that you dont even notice you make

zacky poo bear meaning

A man with no raw talent, he loves getting up the ass by his superiors, he loves to deep throat

zacky poo poo tuna can meaning

tuna can--the size penis zacky poo poo wishes he had and zacky poo poo the name we gave him because we love him

Zackysixpacky meaning

(ADJ) Zackysixpacky is a man who fakes having a six pack. He is very tall and gangly. Zackysixpackys tend to be Cuban and have janitors and cops as dads. They tend to either have a crush on Kim's or are gay. They also have a hint of a pedostash. They think they're cool because they produce crappy music and listen to house. They're not that good at math and have only 9 pluses.

zacky v meaning

rhythm guitarist and back up vocalist for Avenged Sevenfold. best band in the world in my opinion :D

Zacky Vengance meaning

Guitarist for Avenged Sevenfold. The hottest guy in the world :D And AWESOME guitarist!

Zacky Vengeance meaning

Guitarist in Avenged Sevenfold. Hottest Guy ever.

Zacky Wacky meaning

a funny guy with the name zack. usually a person who can always make you laugh when you feel like crying. Zacky Wackys are always the antidotes to depressed persons.

Zack-zack-zack-kapweeng meaning

The sound of one hand clapping.

Zack Zane meaning

An up-and-coming rapper from south florida. you can check out his music at